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4 problems with product based companies and how to resolve them.

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Product - Companies have seldom true patents but patent pending products. Then you are building your business with a risk of competitors take over the market after spending lots of time and energy building it up. 


Pricing - You can have an amazing product, but unfortunately most companies price them too high. The average person cannot afford subscribing on a monthly autoship. 


Compensation plan - Most plans look attractive but they are often unfair. For example personal- and higher group volum for each rank advancements to unlock more levels. In binaries you will not get commissions unless you have balance in two teams etc. Your work often benefit the topleaders and the company, not the average person. Sometimes you are led to work with someone or a group that unlock your earnings instead of having interest in helping anyone in your organisation.


Management - They are often too greedy and don't always see the long term business in giving the average person less qualifications, stressless and inexpensive autoships.

My personal story:

My name is Marius Pedersen and started with a product based (network marketing

company) back in 1996. Some more followed over the next years and I had some

success in a few of them but not reaching the very top.


Why? What did they have in common?


They all had a binary plan. One team always grew a lot bigger than the other. Even there were volume points in so-called "banking", the rightful commissions were not paid to me. To always focus on balance between the two teams is truly a stressful situation. Not to mention the rank advancements with higher volume requirements etc.


Another problem I saw coming quickly was the average person (my friends) did not subscribe an autoship because the price was way too high. $119+ monthly to qualify is too high. I learned that about half the price is more acceptable.


These two issues are very critical for duplication - it's not easy. I was also quite shocked by another big issue. These big (solid) companies also faced problems with their own products. They neither had patents nor skills to see how the market changed. Some of these companies started to add other non-related products to their range. Very disappointing!


And also maybe something I hate more is when a company suddenly change parts of their compensation plan. That's devestating if it affects you in a negative way.


So in fact, I experienced all the 4 problems mentioned above so I know this is true. So I promised myself this was my last deal with product based companies.





What would possibly change the game?


- A revolutionary product with solid patents (No-one can ever claim them). For any age, easy to ship worldwide! Massive potential to help millions of people!

- A FAIR compensation plan, unilevel with few qualifications, designed for everyone.  

- A price that everyone can afford to buy and subscribe on a monthly basis

- Management with long term focus on the product, customer and average person in mind.

- Timing is perfect - the company just launched!!



Yes Marius!

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